Labor History
Mexican Workers and the Mexican Labor Movement: A History
This course will deal with the history of Mexican workers from ancient times until today. The course will look at the political economy and the organization of work from indigenous communal organizations of the pre-Columbian period through the era of the Porfiriate, the Mexican Revolution, and into the modern era including today.
Resistance and Solidarity Across the US-Mexican Border
This event will provide essential background information for those who will participate in the Crossing Borders reading group which begins on Thursday, April 28
Working The Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centers
Interference Archive 131 8th Street, No. 4, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesThe talk includes three parts: first, it makes an argument for the use of workers’ inquiry as a method to study contemporary work conditions, in this case involving an undercover activist ethnography; second, it draws on heterodox and critical Marxist theory to understand the transformation of work; third, it focuses on the challenges of resistance and organization in contemporary work through a concrete example.
Reading “Finally Got The News”: 3rd Sessions, Part 4
Interference Archive 131 8th Street, No. 4, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesThis reading group, designed to accompany Interference Archives’ exhibit Finally Got The News will explore some of the key liberation movements of the 1970s U.S. through the lens of written documents included in the exhibition, as well as excerpts from publications by the activists and intellectuals who led, chronicled and theorized about them. This is not a nostalgia trip, but an opportunity to critically examine some important and often-overlooked threads of our collective history in order to inform our own politics of liberation in the 21st century.
Counter-cartographies of the global supply chain
New Perspectives Theatre 456-458 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United StatesWe will explore the potential for our own insurgent mapping projects, seeking to understand how supply chains are resilient yet vulnerable and fragile—and to identify where working-class solidarity has the greatest possibility to spread up and down the chain, across sectors, borders–and even oceans.
Social Reproduction in the 21st Century
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsAs capital commodifies and marketizes social reproduction labor and the time squeeze on households is intensified, the contribution to this year’s Socialist Register by Ursula Huws is of highest importance. “Consumption labor does not produce surplus value directly, but is implicated in the externalization of tasks formerly carried out by paid workers and could thus be regarded as contributing indirectly to the exploitation of the labor of productive workers.”
Socialist Register 2020: Beyond Market Dystopia
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsFrom the editors Greg Albo and Leo Panitch: By challenging our contributors to address what are the actual and possible ways of living in this century, we saw this as way of probing how to get beyond the deep contradictions of neoliberal capitalism. We did not want contributors to conceive their remit as future-oriented per se, but rather to see their mandate as locating utopic visions and struggles for alternate ways of living in the dystopic present.
Socialist Register 2020: Beyond Market Dystopia
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsFrom the editors Greg Albo and Leo Panitch: By challenging our contributors to address what are the actual and possible ways of living in this century, we saw this as way of probing how to get beyond the deep contradictions of neoliberal capitalism. We did not want contributors to conceive their remit as future-oriented per se, but rather to see their mandate as locating utopic visions and struggles for alternate ways of living in the dystopic present.
Considerations on Bolshevism Before Stalinism
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsQuestions such as these are being discussed: Were the Bolsheviks inherently authoritarian? What was 'democratic centralism'? Is the Bolshevik type organization necessary for revolutionary change? What exactly was the role of the Bolsheviks in the revolution? What were the Soviets? How did the soviets come into being? Did soviets represent a higher form of democracy?
Opening presentation: A People’s Guide to Capitalism
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsHadas Their will present on her new book which has been desribed as “a lively, accessible, and timely guide to capitalism for those who want to understand and dismantle the world of the 1%”.
Marx Dead and Alive: two more sessions
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsThis photo is from one of the many days Marx signed in to the reading room at the British Library. Andy Merrifield visited for a moving presentation on Friday, November 27. Now, we of The MEP Capital Studies Group are presenting a six week reading and discussion series with a thorough reading of the book. This is the first of three series we are presenting with Authors, Reading Groups and books. The prices are now reduced—the group will complete on February 1. Feel free to join to the wide-ranging discussion.
Blood and Money
Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participantsThe birth and development of capitalism since its origins in the fifteenth century is entirely bound up with the subordination of racialized peoples. Even before capitalism arose – in a process Marx termed the “so-called primitive accumulation” – money and markets were implicated in the rise and fall of states and empires that conquered and enslaved vast numbers of human bodies. This group will address these histories and their persisting consequences. We will read and discuss David McNally’s Blood and Money: War, Slavery, Finance, and Empire and Jairus Banaji’s The History of Commercial Capitalism among other works.