Bertolt Brecht’s Anti-Capitalist Aesthetics
Anthony Squiers presents an overview of Brecht’s revolutionary Marxist aesthetic and examine its usefulness as a weapon in today’s struggles.
Anthony Squiers presents an overview of Brecht’s revolutionary Marxist aesthetic and examine its usefulness as a weapon in today’s struggles.
Dennis Broe examines the history of LA wildfires to shed light on the ingrained power, the structural class and racial imbalances, and the wanton devastation of a city organized not for its people but for its elites.
The 2025 Gramsci Study Sessions will read and explore from: Selections from the Prison Notebooks Selections from Cultural Writings Selections from Political Writings Gramsci’s writings on international politics, as they … Read more
Have you always wanted to study Marx’s Capital, Vol 1, and hesitated because of the time commitment to read the entire volume from start to finish? Join us for a 12-week study group covering key sections of the book.
Adam Smith deals with such issues as the so-called labor-theory of value, the equalization of the rate of profit, and the determination of commodity prices in important ways that anticipate Marx or require the corrections Marx provides. So, in this group, we will dive headlong into Smith’s opus, The Wealth of Nations.
Matt Huber highlights the relevance to the climate crisis of key concepts from Marx’s ‘Capital’ such as value, the hidden abode of production, surplus-value, the accumulation of capital, primitive accumulation, and the expropriation of the expropriators.
The appearance of a new English-language edition of Marx’s Capital, Volume I, translated and edited by Paul Reitter and Paul North, has been a momentous occasion. Join a conversation with Reitter, North, and noted Marx scholar Michael Heinrich on the challenges of translating Marx for 21st century readers, the weaknesses and strengths of earlier translations, and the ways the new edition can help us understand Marx’s analyses of capital and value.
A weekly study group covering Marx’s Capital, Volume III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole. This work integrates and completes Marx’s analysis, enabling us to understand and make sense of how the phenomena we see occurring on the surface of society are related to the underlying system of capitalism.
Stephen Maher and Scott Aquanno present an innovative analysis of Amazon’s market power, drawing on major themes from Marx’s Capital, volume 2. In a recent contribution published by Canada’s Socialist Project, they challenge understandings of “monopoly” common in mainstream economics as well as among sections of the left.
Join us for a first-impressions conversation on whatever results are known of the 2024 US elections. We will not know everything; many things will play out over the months that follow. We will know some things that have already taken shape. We can ask what will governing look like, what new shapes may fascism take, what directions will capitalism take, and how resistance will evolve. What does the election mean for climate struggle, Palestine solidarity, reproductive freedom, challenging the carceral state?