Hegel’s Science of Logic
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYHegel’s Science of Logic is considered by many the most important and developed of all of Hegel’s works. It is essential for understanding Hegel’s other works and therefore it is essential for understanding the works of Marx and Engels as well.
Fanon Black Skin, White Masks with Kazembe Balagun
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYA Reading and Writing Group on the Seminal Work of Frantz Fanon With deft analysis and radical fervor, Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) was the patron saint of the revolutionary movements of the global south. As a psychiatrist and writer he played a key part in the liberation of Algeria. His seminal work Wretched of the Earth ... Read more
Hegel’s Science of Logic
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYNote that there will be no class meeting Friday, February 20 in support of attendance of an event for political prisoners at St. Peter's Church (East 54th Street and Lexington Avenue). For more information visit LynneStewart.org
Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYHegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is generally considered the first exposition of and an introduction to Hegel's later work, what is often referred to as Hegel's “system.” Thus, knowledge of the Phenomenology is indispensable for anyone interested in today's world.
Day 1, Session 1: Marx and Engels and Classical German Philosophy
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYOur discussion will focus on the basic, immediate philosophical background in classical German philosophy represented primarily by Kant, Hegel, Fichte and Schelling that Marx and Engels inherited.
Marxist Summer Intensive: July 15-17
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYThrough collaborative study and discussion, we aim to provide a challenging learning environment so each participant can develop his/her own theoretical and analytic tools to advance our organizing and movement building work in order to broaden opposition to capital locally, nationally and internationally.
The Young Hegelians (1831-1842)
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYThe course will run for 14 weeks on Friday evenings from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM starting September 16, 2016 and continuing until December 16, 2016. We will be reading the book The Young Hegelians: An Anthology, edited by Lawrence S. Stepelevich.
Life, the Universe and Everything
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYWe will conclude by tying the idea of the cosmos as a living system of dynamic evolving complexity to the Notion in Hegel’s Logic and from there to an interpretation of Marx’s Capital that places it firmly within the same Hegelian dialectic that is being developed in contemporary cosmology.
Marx and Engels: 1841-1844
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYThis course will focus on two early works by Marx and one by Marx and Engels. The works by Marx are his doctoral dissertation of 1841 on ancient Greek atomistic theory and his Critique of Hegel’s “Philosophy of Right” from 1843. The work by Marx and Engels is The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Critique of 1844.
Reading Capital Politically
Brooklyn Commons 388 Atlantic Avenue, BrooklynMarx’s maxim that class struggle is the “motor force” of history is to be taken literally and not viewed as simply some literary metaphor. But what does this mean in the real world? How does this work? And, how should we read Capital politically?
Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
On-Line via Zoom You will receive Zoom link by email before the event., NYWe will travel from the Ancient world, from the drama of Antigone to the Jacobin Terror of the French Revolution and the realization of the idea of Freedom and the World Historical Individual. At the end of this journey that Hegel likened to a philosophical “Stations of the Cross” we will gain an understanding of what it means to say “The True is the Whole”.