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Event Series Blood and Money

Blood and Money

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Even before capitalism arose – in a process Marx termed the “so-called primitive accumulation” – money and markets were implicated in the rise and fall of states and empires that conquered and enslaved vast numbers of human bodies. This group will address these histories and their persisting consequences.
THIS EVENT SOLD OUT ON SEPTEMBER 27 at 6 PM. Please write to
The new offering of this course will begin on Monday, January 25, 1 pm to 3 pm New York City time

$60 – $90
Event Series Invention of the White Race

Invention of the White Race

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Allen had concluded by the mid 1960’s that white supremacism was the central obstacle to progressive movements in American life, past and present, yet the “white” race itself remained the most peculiar, contentious and generally misunderstood “identity,” blocking all efforts to achieve a just society. Accordingly, Allen spent the next 40 years in writing and primary research to discern when, where, how and why the Plantation Bourgeoisie invented this “white” race in colonial Virginia and Maryland

$85 – $115

Trotsky in Tijuana: A new novel by Dan La Botz

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Who was the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky? What did he believe and do? What was his legacy? Dan La Botz’s new novel. Trotsky in Tijuana, examines these questions in fiction.The novel’s premise is that Trotsky was not assassinated in August 1940 but survived and was relocated to Tijuana where he lived on until 1953 dying on the same day as his rival and political opponent Joseph Stalin.

$7 – $11
Event Series Women Write Against Fascism

Women Write Against Fascism

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

We will look at themes around resistance and collaboration. Beauvoir and Ginzburg write of the period occupation by the Nazis in Vichy France and the period of Mussolini's fascist dictatorship in Italy, while Jelinek's Wonderful Wonderful Times describes the lingering effects naziism had during the years of recovery from the fascist years in Austria in society and within a family.

$35 – $55

Opening presentation: A People’s Guide to Capitalism

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Hadas Their will present on her new book which has been desribed as “a lively, accessible, and timely guide to capitalism for those who want to understand and dismantle the world of the 1%”.

$7 – $11

The Last Years of Karl Marx

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

With The Last Years of Karl Marx, Marcello Musto claims a renewed relevance for the late work of Marx, highlighting unpublished or previously neglected writings, many of which remain unavailable in English. Readers are invited to reconsider Marx's critique of European colonialism, his ideas on non-Western societies, and his theories on the possibility of revolution in noncapitalist countries.

$7 – $11

4 Month Pass:

All Venues

For a one-time sliding scale fee of $100, $150, or $200 attend any and all classes and events of The Marxist Education Project. For $50 more ($100, $150 or $200) bring a guest as often as you would like to the classes, and events between now and May 31, 2021.

$50 – $200
Event Series Marx Dead and Alive: two more sessions

Marx Dead and Alive: two more sessions

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

This photo is from one of the many days Marx signed in to the reading room at the British Library. Andy Merrifield visited for a moving presentation on Friday, November 27. Now, we of The MEP Capital Studies Group are presenting a six week reading and discussion series with a thorough reading of the book. This is the first of three series we are presenting with Authors, Reading Groups and books. The prices are now reduced—the group will complete on February 1. Feel free to join to the wide-ranging discussion.

$6 – $26

Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Sam Farber has assembled and synthesized a wealth of historical material so as to assess the extent to which the disappearance of Soviet democracy was due to objective circumstances such as the Civil War and how much of the magnitude of this was the result of Bolshevik politics and ideology.

$7 – $11

Marina Sitrin on Pandemic Solidarity with Colectiva Sembrar

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Pandemic Solidarity collects first-hand experiences of people creating their own narratives of solidarity and mutual aid in the time of the global crisis of COVID-19. In times of crisis institutions of power are laid bare and people turn to one another. Underneath the media’s narrative of selfish individualism and runs on supermarkets, we find an opposing story of community and self-sacrifice.

$7 – $25

Socialist Register 2021: Ursula Huws on Reaping the Whirlwind

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

Greg Albo and Steve Maher will introduce Socialist Register 2021—Beyond Digital Capitalism followed by Ursula Huws presenting on her essay, “Reaping the Whirlwind: Digitization, Restructuring, and Moblization in the Covid Crisis”

$7 – $11

Anitra Nelson and Vincent Liegey: Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

As a sense of urgency pervades global environmentalism and the Left, the degrowth movement has burst into the mainstream. As growth driven climate catastrophe looms, degrowth is a political response based on changing how we live, countering persistent growth with a demand to slow down with a reorientation around provision of basic needs for all.

$7 – $29