Week of Events
Reading Marx’s Capital, Volume III
Reading Marx’s Capital, Volume III
A weekly study group covering Marx's Capital, Volume III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole. This work integrates and completes Marx's analysis, enabling us to understand and make sense of how the phenomena we see occurring on the surface of society are related to the underlying system of capitalism.
Adam Smith and ‘The Wealth of Nations’
Adam Smith and ‘The Wealth of Nations’
Adam Smith deals with such issues as the so-called labor-theory of value, the equalization of the rate of profit, and the determination of commodity prices in important ways that anticipate Marx or require the corrections Marx provides. So, in this group, we will dive headlong into Smith's opus, The Wealth of Nations.
Hegel for Radicals: The Phenomenology of Spirit
Hegel for Radicals: The Phenomenology of Spirit
Over 16 Saturdays, beginning March 8, we will read and discuss one of the most influential books of all time, Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. This massive retelling of humanity defies traditional divisions between history, philosophy, comedy, and tragedy.