Moving Against the System

Against a backdrop of widespread racism in the West, and colonialism and imperialism in the ‘Third World’, this group of activists, writers and political figures gathered to discuss the history and struggles of people of African descent and the meaning of Black Power.

Prague Spring: 50 Years Later

Although reformers within the Communist Party sought significant reforms to the overly centralized system copied from the Soviet Union, including advocacy of workers’ councils, there were significant differences between the more modest reforms put forth by Czechoslovak economists and the more thorough-going concepts of activists and workers themselves.

May Made Me

Published on the 50th anniversary of those days in the spring of 68, “May Made Me” presents the legacy of the uprising: how those explosive experiences changed the individuals who participated and their lives as lived since then.

Revolutionary Columbia University Struggle of 1968

The Battle for Historical Interpretation with Lessons for Today’s Movement
How the Black Movement in Harlem, Student Afro-American Society and Students for a Democratic Society took on the Columbia ruling class representatives, Mayor Lindsay, The New York Times and the New York Police Department and Won.