The Last Dance Meets The Last Repast

The talk will examinethe historico-political relationships between: the psychiatric transformation of madness into mental illness, the psychoanalytic discovery of the unconscious, the surrealist anti-psychiatric art, and dance-theater’s embodied expression stripped of narrative development. A surreal meal will be the last part of this event.

Politics of the Unconscious: Second Sessions

We will look at the images of the mental patients in the fin-de-siècle Parisian hospital Salpêtrière, many of which challenge the boundary between artistic representation and medical documentation. In light of day one, during the following Sunday, over a Surrealist Brunch,

Politics of the Unconscious and Surrealist Brunch

Over brunch, discover some of the grotesque dances by Valeska Gert (Weimar Era), and dance-theater of Pina Bausch and Mats Ek (1970s-80s). Dada and surrealism will not be left behind. We will explore how the aesthetic de-hierarchicalization and commodity culture inform our practices as witnesses and witnessed art makers.