The Last Years of Karl Marx

With The Last Years of Karl Marx, Marcello Musto claims a renewed relevance for the late work of Marx, highlighting unpublished or previously neglected writings, many of which remain unavailable in English. Readers are invited to reconsider Marx’s critique of European colonialism, his ideas on non-Western societies, and his theories on the possibility of revolution in noncapitalist countries.

Marx Dead and Alive: two more sessions

This photo is from one of the many days Marx signed in to the reading room at the British Library. Andy Merrifield visited for a moving presentation on Friday, November 27. Now, we of The MEP Capital Studies Group are presenting a six week reading and discussion series with a thorough reading of the book. This is the first of three series we are presenting with Authors, Reading Groups and books. The prices are now reduced—the group will complete on February 1. Feel free to join to the wide-ranging discussion.