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Is Another World Really Possible?
New Perspectives Theatre 456-458 West 37th Street, New York
$95 – $125
Week of Events
Is Another World Really Possible?
Is Another World Really Possible?
We need a positive vision of a better world and the roads leading to it. So let’s imagine we are future historians living in a peaceful, egalitarian, democratic society on a damaged, but stabilized, planet in the year 2117.
$95 – $125
Let’s Party Like It’s 1917!
Let’s Party Like It’s 1917!
Poetry Paraphernalia Pageant
Dancing to the Music
co sponsored by The MEP and Radical Poets
$6 – $20
Fridays As In Murder: Women, Violence & Genre Formulas
Fridays As In Murder: Women, Violence & Genre Formulas
Drawing upon the potentials of film noir’s formula of restlessness, dread, and discontent within social corruption, women novelists wrote of threats to the domestic sphere and American society emerging as the global hegemon. Women writers explored crime and violence resulting from the racism and class exploitation while some male authors began writing of more complicated women.
$95 – $125