Is Another World Really Possible?
New Perspectives Theatre 456-458 West 37th Street, New YorkThe Politics of the Unconscious: Last Session
New Perspectives Theatre 456-458 West 37th Street, New YorkThe Politics of the Unconscious: Last Dance/Last Supper
New Perspectives Theatre 456-458 West 37th Street, New YorkWeek of Events
Is Another World Really Possible?
Is Another World Really Possible?
We need a positive vision of a better world and the roads leading to it. So let’s imagine we are future historians living in a peaceful, egalitarian, democratic society on a damaged, but stabilized, planet in the year 2117.
The Politics of the Unconscious: Last Session
The Politics of the Unconscious: Last Session
Through theory and practice we will examine the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious in the late 19th to 20th century. Starting with the fin-de-siècle Parisian hospital Salpêtrière, we will touch upon the historical resonances of the invention of mental pathology, and aesthetic forms that resonance has instigated.
The Politics of the Unconscious: Last Dance/Last Supper
The Politics of the Unconscious: Last Dance/Last Supper
The jaws of my mind are in perpetual motion. —Salvador Dali, Gastro Esthetics
The spectacle corresponds to the historical moment at which the commodity completes the colonization of social life.
Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle
Whose Cities? Our Cities!
Whose Cities? Our Cities!
The class that built and continues to build New York City can no longer afford to live here. Meanwhile, the international bourgeoisie with hyper capital accumulation, perch themselves in luxurious multi-roomed lofty palaces as occasional residences. Our aim is to gain the historical and theoretical understanding that can inform our fight to wrest control of our cities from the capitalist class, and to discuss how cities can be reorganized to meet our human needs with a sustainable urban ecology.
Highlights of Marx’s Capital, Volume One
Highlights of Marx’s Capital, Volume One
Many of us have less time to study it because, as Marx predicted, we have to work longer hours— and often more than one job—in order to survive. Fortunately, even a basic familiarity with the key concepts of the first Volume of Capital offers many tools for understanding capitalism’s dynamics.
Institute For Radical Imagination Fall Term Begins
Institute For Radical Imagination Fall Term Begins
Begins October 7 The Institute can be reached via: Email: Phone: 718–687-0864
Political Writings of Marx and Engels
Political Writings of Marx and Engels
This reading group will delve into a selection of Marx and Engels’ political writings to gain both a better understanding of the history of working-class and socialist struggles of their times, and explore lessons for our political organizing now. This tasks takes on a special urgency in light of the events in Charlottesville and the increased visibility of racist, anti-Semitic and white supremacist ideologies.