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Event Series Animals at Work Under Capitalism

Animals at Work Under Capitalism

Online: Zoom link will be provided to registered participants

A discussion and reading group on the central role of human and nonhuman animal labor in the capitalist economy, both historically and today. What are the anthropocentric premises underlying mainstream understandings of labor in Marxist theory? How might we expand our thinking to include the multiple forms of nonhuman labor necessary for capitalism? What kinds of labor do nonhuman animals provide in production, and on what cultural, ideological and economic bases is work divided among people, nonhuman animals and machines?

Free – $90

The New Power Elite: C. Wright Mills Revisited

POSTPONED - to be rescheduled

Due to circumstances beyond our control, this event is postponed. Contact to be notified of the new date when rescheduled.

Heather Gautney, author of 'The New Power Elite,' offers a contemporary companion to C. Wright Mills's work through a fresh critique for the new millennium. She takes up the problems that Mills addressed and echoes his outrage over the injustices and ruin brought by today's elites.

Free – $12.00