In the course of 2014 Interference Archive and the Marxist Education Project held study groups regarding Frantz Fanon. On January 30 we came together for a screening of Concerning Violence, based largely on Fanon’s seminal text, The Wretched of the Earth. We hope this film can advance our discussions forward in light on strategy and tactics within the growing anti-police brutality and militarization campaigns. The screening also kicks off of a six week class on The Wretched of the Earth taking place at the Commons Friday nights for six weeks, beginning February 6.
Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth Reading Group
Fridays 5:30pm to 7:30pm Starting February 6 Along with reading The Wretched of the Earth works selected from Richard Wright, Karl Marx, bell hooks, G.W.F Hegel and Amiri Baraka will be taken on. We will also produce written reflections and will present some of these and more at a public symposium to take place during the coming spring of 2015. Click for more info